Bathing Suits for Flappers!

::MM:: Two Tone Maillot

::MM:: Plain Maillot

I’ve been thinking about a clothing line for some small while now, mostly considering things to plug some of the gaps in the vintage scene. These bathing suits are patterned to look like the woolen malliots, commonly worn by women in the 20s and 30s. They’re fitted mesh and can be found in-world and on the Marketplace now.

Myficalities In-world.

Two Tone Malliot, MP Link.

Plain Malliot, MP Link.

Rietveld Chair

In 1918, Gerrit Rietveld made a chair that would go on to become an icon of early 20th century design. Known as the Red and Blue Chair, the piece is an exemplar of the de Stijl art movement, with an emphasis of geometric lines and primary colours.

This reproduction is fully mesh and has a land impact of only 1 prim. More exciting though, it has been textured with a specular materials effect and when viewer in a compatible viewer, has a varnished sheen that reacts to in-world lighting.

::MM:: Rietveld Chair by Myficalities
::MM:: Rietveld Chair, a photo by Myficalities on Flickr.

To the Marketplace!

Something for August

Got a leak in your roof and no way to fix it? How about an old enameled saucepan to catch the drips?

This lovely old saucepan is the perfect way to stop a damp spot on your floor. It comes complete with rippling water, a slow and steady particle drip and even a grungy patch of mold for your ceiling.

It’s fully mesh, copy/mod and only $50L. Available on the Marketplace now…

::MM:: Saucepan Solution (for leaky ceilings)

To the Marketplace!

More Poses!

Still working with poses, the early twentith century providing rich ground that hasn’t yet been trod too many times.

First new release for this update, a set based on nude photos of the dancer come actress, Louise Brooks. Brooks was well know in the latter half of her career, for starring in some very frank for the time, depictions of sexuality. The photos used as inspiration here, follow that trend.

::MM:: Lulu Poses

Lulu Pose Pack. $275L, Copy/Mod. On the Marketplace Now.

Second off, a nice free treat for my everyone; a selection of formal poses, perfect for portrait or group photography. There’s not much in the way of simple, classic portrait poses around. By dropping these poses in to balls, you can quickly build large group pictures, such as school classes and wedding parties.

::MM:: Formal Poses

Formal Pose Pack. Copy/Mod, FREE! On the Marketplace Now.

Also, now available upstairs at my shop in Vintage Retro.

Something New: Delving Into Poses

clara blog by Myficalities
clara blog, a photo by Myficalities on Flickr.

June was a lazy month at Myficalities, too many distractions and not enough time spent on new work. Now we’re over that, July brings something new: poses!

For our first foray into photography poses, we thought we’d focus on one of our favourite gals; the It Girl herself, Clara Bow! This set contains five poses based on photos and stills of Clara. Each pose comes with a mirror version, for ten poses total. Everything’s copy/mod and the pricetag is $375L.

Get thee to the Marketplace now!

New Releases for May!

May’s almost over, so let’s get some new things out the door!

First up, a reissue of an earlier piece (okay, it’s not fully new). The Mackintosh Dining set features new meshes and textures and a whole additional piece of furniture in the form of a sideboard! This set’s based on the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and dates to 1918.

Mackintosh Dining Set

Next up, for those of you clamouring for sources of illumination and yet, who didn’t buy my earlier offerings, perhaps this will be more to your taste! It’s a light! It’s kinda barrel shaped! It’s made of copper (or possibly bronze) and frosted glass!

That’s about it really.

Barreled Ceiling Light

The Mackintosh set can be found by clicking right here.
If you want the light, click here instead.

Salzer Suite & Table Set

Salzer Suite & Table Set by Myficalities
Salzer Suite & Table Set, a photo by Myficalities on Flickr.

Based on 1902 designs by Josef Hoffmann, the Salzer suite and table are early examples of the modernist furniture and despite being now more than a century old, still have a look that remains relevant to this day.

Primscaled, containing over a dozen individual and couples poses and only 4 P.E.s for the entire rezzed set. This living room set is now available on the marketplace and at VR very soon.

To the Marketplace!

New Stuff!

So things have been a bit quiet on the blog front over the past couple of months, that doesn’t mean that things have been quiet in the workshop. Several new pieces have been released over the past few weeks and it’s high time we plugged them here!

Every living room needs a coffee table and every good coffee table needs a matching end table. These rather pleasing tables therefore come as a set, so you’ll be assured your tables match.

::MM: Checkered Tables

Marketplace Link

And now you have a table for your coffee, how about some reading materials to pass the time? The Albers bookshelf is based on a shelf by a Bauhaus school designer and comes with a library or books and periodicals suitable for a shelf from time period when the design originated.

The Albers Bookshelf

Marketplace Link

Finally, you’ll need light to read by. How about a ceiling lamp, in a classic domed style?

::MM:: Domed Lamp

Marketplace Link