New Stuff!

So things have been a bit quiet on the blog front over the past couple of months, that doesn’t mean that things have been quiet in the workshop. Several new pieces have been released over the past few weeks and it’s high time we plugged them here!

Every living room needs a coffee table and every good coffee table needs a matching end table. These rather pleasing tables therefore come as a set, so you’ll be assured your tables match.

::MM: Checkered Tables

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And now you have a table for your coffee, how about some reading materials to pass the time? The Albers bookshelf is based on a shelf by a Bauhaus school designer and comes with a library or books and periodicals suitable for a shelf from time period when the design originated.

The Albers Bookshelf

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Finally, you’ll need light to read by. How about a ceiling lamp, in a classic domed style?

::MM:: Domed Lamp

Marketplace Link

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